When counting entries in the recent giveaway, I had to laugh at how many times I read 'Hvalholm'. It again got me thinking about why I named it, and I thought some of you might be curious to find out more?! Now, it's not an exciting story by any means, but it's nice to find an opportunity to share more with you. In all honesty I've been struggling to write journal entries that don't feel strained, so I'm glad I've found something easy to write about!
In the second year of my degree (I studied Contemporary Textiles) I was introduced to the movements and styles that are so integral to Hvalholm. Alongside exploring my fascination with Shetland, I also began studying the slow movement and minimalism. The more I researched, the more I felt I had finally found practices that I clicked with.
In what is a fast-paced and often overwhelming society, I began to feel a slower, simpler and more considered approach (to, well, almost everything) could be a great antidote to much of the stress placed on both ourselves and the environment.
While exploring this, I also realised that some day I wanted to start my own business that wove these threads together. In a mid-lecture daydream I began thinking about the name for this fantasy of an idea, and came upon 'Holm'. Thinking about it, it is a simple and bonnie word in both text and speech, and I loved the fact that many Shetlanders actually pronounce the word 'home' like 'hom'/'holm'. Cute eh? It also reminded me of my home as there is a beautiful islet just off the banks called 'Da Holm o Sandwick'.
All in all I felt the name was fitting for a Shetland-inspired business, and I liked how it would always remind me of home wherever I took it. The name stuck in my head. For years. Right up until this year when I began setting it up.
While researching I seemed to see quite a lot of 'Holm', and reluctantly realised it would be wise to choose something else. In a total rut for a couple of days, I scribbled pages upon pages of alternative words and ideas, and in doing so realised it was important that the name payed homage to Whalsay in some way. I have a huge admiration for the heritage, culture, and home the isle has gifted me with, and since we may not always be based here it felt right.
I asked my granny (who volunteers at the Whalsay Heritage Centre) about dialect words and had just the best time learning fading words like 'löd' [sound/tone], 'brimtud' [the sound of surf breaking the shore] and 'drochty spraings' [sunrays breaking through clouds]. Love it.
Ultimately, I decided to use a more direct inspiration, and looked to Whalsay's Old Norse name, Hvals-øy. It means Whale Island, as waaay back when the Vikings ruled it is thought they likened the sea view of the isle to a giant whale emerging from the sea. It could also be because whale sightings are also relatively common here - I got a very brief glimpse of a minke just the other week!
Anyway, I liked 'Hval' for similar reasons I liked 'Holm' but I still couldn't let go of the latter. I decided to combine the two words which I'm glad of, and it still sort of translates to whale island... Humorous, but I like to think it is a lightsome name all the same, while paying homage to the old roots.
It is not totally original though - I see there are a couple of islands in Norway named 'Hvalholmen', which is quite cool, and I am definitely using it as an excuse to plan a visit.
So there you have it. I hope you feel like you know a little more about the thinking behind Hvalholm.
Is there anything else you would like to read more about? Or do you have any questions? Get in touch via our contact page, Instagram, or email me at hello@hvalholm.com. I'd love to hear from you.
Thanks for reading!
Rhea x